So I'm hanging out with my friend Julia all day and I don't get home until late at night/early in the morning. When I do get home, I'm exhausted cuz I'd been running on about 3 hours of sleep from the night before, so I go straight to my room.Now I live with my grandparents, although I'm actually moving out next week. I start taking off my clothes so I can change into my pajamas and go to bed, but as I stand there naked, I decide "You know what? This feels kinda good. My grandparents are asleep, it's not like I'm gonna leave my room and if I do, I'll just put on some clothes.... Ah screw it, I'll go nude for one night."I get on the computer to check my facebook for just a minute before going to bed.... Well a minute turns into 2 hours (not spanking the monkey, just watching youtube and suchwhats while happening to not wear clothing). Finally, I decide enough is enough and I decide to turn off the computer, put on my pajamas (i changed my mind because sometimes my grandpa awakens me in the morning for no reason) and go to sleep.I literally have my mouse over the "Shut Down" button when wouldn't you know it, my friend Nathan pokes his head through my window and witnesses me completely naked. And as if that isn't bad enough, he's not alone; my friend Deejay is with him. So both of them see me stark naked. It was quite embarrassing as I'm quite self conscious about my appearance.I'm weird. I'm not self conscious about my body from the waste down. I couldn't give a crap less if they saw my penis; no, I'm more ashamed of me from the waste up. So I scramble to put a shirt on (no bottoms, just a shirt) and I stand by the windowsill and talk with them. And as if I weren't embarrassed enough already.... my grandpa then nonchalantly walks in on me.In a nutshell, it was a rough night.
Firstly I must apologize for my imperfect English but I hope it is not so bad to make my story unintelligible or boring.Now I am almost 30. I was born in Czech republic and live here for whole my life. Nudity played in my upbringing important role, more important than in the absolute majority of Czech families. I had the misfortune (?) that my parents was interested in my (naked) body at abnormal level.I was naked in my childhood and youth frequently. My nudity was required by my parents.For the last time I had to take all my clothes and go naked in front of them when I was 16 and half (second grade of high school).But some ideas and threats related to my compulsory nudity was made by them even in my nineteen (first grade of college).My parents were not nudists or naturists, they stood full clothed or in swim-suite every time.To my eleven I had to be without clothes mainly from health and practical reasons, usually not for punishment.Health reasons consisted in...Read Entire EntryComments: 2 Votes:[Shame 31] [Not a Shame 9] [I'd be proud of this 19] Caught tanning nudePosted by Nudist Fun at September 7, 2064Tags: 2012 August Nudity I was 16 when this happened. I had started going naked around the house whenever i was alone. It soon turned into going nude outside as well. One day in early summer I decided to tan outside by the pool completly nude. So I stripped out of my clothes and walked outside. I set up a lounge chair and got comfortable. I found it more exciting to strip naked inside then walk outside with no clothes or any way to cover myself. So after i was outside for a few minutes i started to cover myself in taniing oil. It always turns me on to rub oil all over my body. So after i finished I just layed out and started to doze off. Then I was woken up by a noise. Not sure what it was I just went back to laying out. That when I heard the sliding glass doors open. I was freaked out. It had to be either my mother or father. Sure enough I herad mt dads voice say hey sweetie! As he got closer he must have noticed i was naked because he said, sorry I didn't know you were tanning nude.I looked over at him and saw he looked uncomfortable. So i told him it was ok I just thought nobody would be home. As I said that he kept walking toward me. Not sure what to do I covered myself. As he got closer he told me not to be embarrasssed. He didn't mind that I was naked. Not sure how to react, I just let my arms down to my side exposing myself as i lay on my back. I felt very nervous and completely exposed. My dad said he didn't mind that i was tanning nude and to just make sure the neighbors didn't see me. What was cool was watching him check out every inch of my body as he said that. It was the begging of my experience with being a nudist. I would soon find out that my dad was a nudist as well....
Embarrassing Teen Nude Storys
Woods Woodies PointHomewardby Sir Cum SizemoreEleven ear old Joey and his best friend Steven regualrly play naked sexgames with two younger neighborhood boys. Learning of their secret, theolder sister of the two younger boys con Joey and her brothers to playsimilar naked games in her presence. This leads to Joey's parentslearning of his activities. As a consequence of being found out, Joey,Steven and the two other boys are made by their parents to becomecharter members of the "Bare Boy All Summer Club." Woods Woodies Point HomewardJust like NASCAR andBoxingAn eleven year old boy relates his experiences learning that spankingisn't anything when it comes up against humiliation. Just like NASCAR and Boxing Rule of All the Landby Sir Cum SizemoreResearchers have determined that boys without false modesty who alsosubject to corporal punishment are much less aggressive and much morewell behaved. In school these boys are more attentive andfocused, resulting in higher grades. Based on this evidence,it becomes the law and rule of all the land that "little boys shouldn'tbe so modest" and are subject to bare bottom spankings whenever andwherever needed. Rule of All the Land TheRight Teacherby ConorEmily Greer just knew that taking a teachingposition at a middle school in South Dakota was the right job forher. Within days of starting her duties, schooladministrators and parents alike both just knew that she was the rightteacher for the job. She was especially right in a schoolthat was adopting new methods of behavior control andcorrection. Methods that the male students were findingparticularly embarrassing, humiliating and and at times painful. TheRight Teacher Chapter 1TheRight Teacher Chapter 2TheRight Teacher Chapter 3TheRight Teacher Chapter 4Strings and Sacks, Incby Sir Cum SizemoreEleven year old Steven's mother and her best friend Andrea believe that"little boys shouldn't be so modest." Hoping to influence thecommunity to their way of thinking, the two women form a company tomanufacture a new line of boys swimwear. Swimwear literallyconsisting of nothing more than strings and a small sack. Unfortunately for him, Steven is the unwilling chief model for thisvery revealing attire, some versions of which leave absolutely nothingto the imagination. Along the way, the reluctant preteenearns himself some very embarrassing public bare bottom spankings andnaked time. Worse for him, his mother declares that whennaked or in his new swim costume, his privates are communityproperty. Misery loving company, it isn't long before Stevenis joined by other equally unwilling boys parading aroundtown wearing nothing but this latest trend in modesty destroying boyfashion. Strings and Sacks, Chapter 1Stringsand Sacks, Chapter 2Stringsand Sacks, Chapter 3Stringsand Sacks, Chapter 4 Stringsand Sacks, Chapter 5Stringsand Sacks, Chapter 6Stringsand Sacks, Chapter 7 Stringsand Sacks, Chapter 8Stringsand Sacks, Chapter 9 Stringsand Sacks, Chapter 10Stringsand Sacks, Chapter 11Stringsand Sacks, Chapter 12 Stringsand Sacks, Chapter 13Stringsand Sacks, Chapter 14Stringsand Sacks, Chapter 15Terrible Liarby ConorTwelve year old Eddy's life takes a definite turnfor the worse when his two female cousins come to spend thesummer. Shortly after the sixteen and twelve year girlsarrive, Eddy becomes enmeshed in an ever widening conspiracy among thefemales in his life to teach him that "little boys shouldn't be somodest." The net tightens more and more and the stakes growhigher and higher as more and more females unite together in an teameffort to make sure he learns the lesson. His cousins,mother, teacher, classmates, neighbors young and old, and even theschool nurse all become involved in the twin missions of helping himbecome less modest and better behaved. TerribleLiar Part 1TerribleLiar Part 2Naked Handcuffsby Dare FenwickIn a female dominated culture, the Society of Ruling Woman firmlybelieve that boys growing into puberty are simply too modest and thatthe relaxing of conventional dress codes helps to lessen theiraggressive behavior. A staunch SRW supporter, presidingjuvenile judge Mary Finlon routinely approves petitions from familiesrequesting theirmale children be court ordered to be naked in most publicplaces. On occasion, shealso imposes public humiliation and punishment upon boys whobreak the law. Unfortunately for twelve year old TommyFoster, his mother is a big believer in the Society's doctrines and hasfiled her own nudity request with the court. NakedHandcuffs is not a bondage story. It merely refers tothe subordination of boys in a female dominated society.NakedHandcuffs Chapter 1NakedHandcuffs Chapter 2LastBoy Standing by Nialos LeaningThree boys, ages thirteen, twelve and eleven, make a weekend visit withtheir parents to the town of Edwardsville in Benjamin County. To their disbelief and shock, the boys quickly learn that "little boysshouldn't be so modest" is county law. A law that theirparents wholeheartedly agree with. A law that's strictlyenforced with very painful, embarrassing and humiliating court orderedpunishments for those boys who dare not to be bare in public. As a result of their refusal to undress in a public parkinglot, the court sanctions the three boys to seven days of Public NudeJuvenile Punishment and along with a fourth boy to take part in a showdesigned to literally determine who will be the "Last Boy Standing."CAUTION!while within this site's guidelines, this story tendstoward the extreme sideand may be toointense and/or graphic for somereaders. Last BoyStanding Part 1Last BoyStanding Part 2 Last BoyStanding Part 3TheGamesby Big PaulThe Games are an international athletic competition for boys ages 14 to17, held once every ten years in Greece. Fourteen year Tom isselected to represent his home state of Montana in the regionaltrials. If he succeeds at that level, he'll move on to thenationals. And, if he succeeds there, he'll be in the Games,bringing much honor to his country and state. Like theancient Greeks, all competitions are done in the nude. If Tomis to make it all the way to Greece, his determined trainers mustquickly help the shy Tom overcome his excessive modesty and learn toproudly show off his body in all its magnificent glory.The GamesParts 1-5Chad Gets a Taste of Aristocracyby Sir Cum SizemoreChad's mother is invited by her boss, Mr. Andrews, to spend the summerat his family's estate. After some initial hesitation causedbytheAndrews family's rules concerning young boys, she accepts theoffer. Almost immediately upon arrival at the estate, eleven year old Chadembarrassingly discovers when he's introduced to ten year old ScottAndrews that in this household "little boys shouldn't be somodest". It doesn't take him long to learn that part of being "not so modest"means allowing whomever so wishes to examine and touch him, however andwherever they want. He quickly finds out firsthand that inhishouselittle boys are very painfully punished for misbehavior anddefiance. But he soon has company in his misery, as due to theirmisdeeds,threeof Scott's visiting friends - ages 9, 10 and 12 - are made toinvoluntarily join Chad and Scott as members of the "not so modest"bare boy brigade.ChadGets a Taste of Aristocracy Part 1ChadGets a Taste of Aristocracy Part 2ChadGets a Taste of Aristocracy Part 3ChadGets a Taste of Aristocracy Part 4Natural Boys LoveNatureby Sir Cum SizemoreMuch to the embarrassment of nine year old Joey and his seven year oldbrother Tommy, their mother and grandmother discover that ongoingprolonged exposure of the boys to a variety of natural environmentalstimulations while they're in a natural state of complete undressprovides an effective natural remedy to improving behavior and schoolperformance. A remedy that's even more effectivewhencoupled with aliberal use of bare bottom spankings and making private parts publicproperty.NaturalBoys Love Nature Part 1NaturalBoys Love Nature Part 2NaturalBoys Love Nature Part 3NaturalBoys Love Nature Part 4NaturalBoys Love Nature Part 5Go Ahead and Tellby Sir Cum SizemoreTwelve year old Richard's twin sister Andrea and friends challenge himand his best friend, eleven year old Jack, to a bet the two boys aresure they can't lose. A bet they do lose. A betthat's part of a setup by the girls to get the boys in trouble withtheir parents so that they'll have to spend considerable time as naked'boy toys' for the amusement of the girls and their friends as alllearn that "Little boys shouldn't be so modest."Go Ahead andTellA Little Foreign Culture Comes toNewYorkby Sir Cum SizemoreThe Chamblee family hires Eva, a Nanny from Sweden,to take care of their three boys, ten year old Jack, eight yearold Steven, and six year old Jeff. The Nanny is giveninstructionto instill some of her foreign culture into the boys, and to helpthem, especially Jack, to become less shy about their bodies. Under mom's insistence and Eva's guidance, assisted by theNanny's eight year old daughter Ula, modesty and bodily privacyquickly become a "foreign" concept for the boys. Theend result for Chamblee boys, and two boys from another familyunder the care of another Nanny, is forced nudity, embarrassment,spanking, sexual humiliation, and some very unwelcome, very painfulattention to their little but no longer private boy parts.ALittle Foreign Culture Comes to New York Part 1ALittle Foreign Culture Comes to New York Part 2ALittle Foreign Culture Comes to New York Part 3ALittle Foreign Culture Comes to New York Part 4ALittle Foreign Culture Comes to New York Part 5Taking Back Controlby Nialos LeaningA community wide effort isimplemented by the adults to "take back control" from their "out ofcontrol" kids. In the process, they're determined toeradicatethe excessive false modesty prevalent among the youngergeneration. Boys up to the age 14 quickly learn that there's a very high price tobe paid for defying adult control and rules. They just asquicklylearn that"little boys shouldn't be somodest" means exactly that; a few girls also have their modestytaken down a peg or two. Forced nudity, embarrassment, sexualhumiliation, spanking and other very painful punishments are among theadults' weapons of choice toforcibly demonstrate to the kids "who's in charge here."CAUTION!while the above story is within this site's content guidelines,especially starting with part 3, it tends toward the extremesideand may be toointense and/or graphic for somereaders.TakingBack Control Part 1 TakingBack Control Part 2TakingBack Control Part 3TakingBack Control Part 4Doctor, Pleaaazzzzz!by Sir Cum SizemoreTen year old Jack's mother makes him play "doctor" with his youngersister and three of her friends. He's the patient, hisclassmateCrystal is the doctor, his eight year old sister Cindy and her friendsAnne and Tanya are the nurses. Mom insists that the resultantexam berealistic and thorough, which proves to be embarrassing, humiliating,and at times painful for young Jack. To his dismay, thetreatmentplanthe "medical team" team devises for their diagnosis of his problemensures that his embarrassment and humiliation will continue for dayspast the exam. A treatment plan his mom insists be fullyfollowed, asit is, after all, "doctor's orders."Doctor,Pleaaazzzzz! Petey'sAdventures in Babysittingby MarcosTwelve year old Peter believes he's too old for a babysitter. Hismother believing otherwise, hires sixteen year old Mary to babysit andand straighten out her defiant, disobedient, disrespectful, and rudeson . Petey quickly learns that Mary knows exactly how todealwith little boys like him. Much too soon for him, his clothescome off and his spankings begin as she sets out to teach him torespect and obey all women. To his utter dismay, he rapidlylearns that "little boys don't deserve modesty" is to be a very bigpart of the lesson plan. Petey'sAdventures in Babysitting Part 1Chad's Long Weekendby Sir Cum SizemoreAs punishment for not properly cleaning himself, ten year old Chad'smother declares that while she's away for for a long weekend, he's tolet the baby-sitter, fourteen year old Alissa, inspect his body, all ofhis body. When on the first night he refuses inspection, hesets himself up for an embarrassing never-ending weekend of painfulspankings, public nudity, and sexual humiliation.Chad's LongWeekendA Modest Proposalby ConorNine year old Melvin's excessive modesty gets himintotrouble at school. In an effort to help correct his problems,mom agrees to enroll him as the first participant in his state'spilot "Modest Boy" program. Embarrassingpublic nudity, humiliations and spankings ensue as Melvin's "littleboys shouldn't be so modest" treatment progresses. A ModestProposalUAABB Code of Conductby AldricOn the second day of the school year, thirteen yearoldClark becomes the first student at Briar Woods Middle School toexperience the consequences for violating the school's new codeof conduct. The code, widely supported by the community,is designed to help correct the excessive modesty and poor bodyimage that has been identified as a major contributor to theunacceptableattitude, aggressive behavior and bullying exhibited by male students. Nudity, humiliation, and spankings all are part of theformulaused to effect positive change and bring home the message that"little boys shouldn't be so modest." UAABBCode of Conduct Part 1UAABBCode of Conduct Part 2UAABBCode of Conduct Part 3UAABBCode of Conduct Part 4Play a Little, Pay a Lotby Sir Cum Sizemore Normally exceedingly modest and shy abouthis body,nine year old Mark has inexplicably been caught on several occasionsexhibiting himself to strangers, and other times forcing otherchildren into naked sex play. The psychologist his perplexedparents engage to treat him recommends a program of prolongedpublic nudity and strict corporal punishment to address and curethe underlaying problems causing this atypical behavior on hispart. One thing leads to another, and soon Mark isn't theonly child in the neighborhood learning that "little boysshouldn't be so modest" and that defiance and disrespecthave very painful and embarrassing consequences.Playa Little, Pay a Lot Part 1A Playa Little, Pay a Lot Part 1B Playa Little, Pay a Lot Part 2A Playa Little, Pay a Lot Part 2B Authors,you're invitedto write a sequel to this story!Some Highlights of My NakedSummer by Sir Cum SizemoreDespite his excessive modesty, ten year old Jackdisplayssome exhibitionistic tendencies, somewhat willingly participatingin games that result in his exposure. As a punishment forhis behavior, and as a method to lessen his modesty, his parentsdecide to keep him naked all summer, at home and in public. Hisprivate parts are declared family property, toys available forthe entire community to play with as they wish. As a result,Jack suffers through a summer of forced nudity, embarrassment,spanking, and sexual humiliation.SomeHighlights of My Naked Summer 2ff7e9595c